General Information

Students must be five years of age before September 1st in order to enter Kindergarten. Children who have not attended Kindergarten must be six years old before September 1st in order to enter the first grade.

Transfer students entering the Colfax School District (having met their previous accredited school district requirements) may be admitted without meeting local requirements. In all other grades, placement will involve a consideration of actual age, readiness, and previous school experience. Grade placement upon entrance will consider information provided by parents, teachers, and counselors. The building principal has the authority and responsibility to make the proper grade placement of students in the Colfax Schools. 
School Attendance
Excused Absences: If your child is absent, please call our absence hotline at 397-2924 to leave a message with the reason your child is absent. Students are asked to bring a written note signed by parent/legal guardian upon their return.
Unexcused Absences: If you do not communicate with the school about your child’s absence, the absence will be recorded as unexcused. Unexcused absences may affect the child’s grade. Regular attendance is extremely important to your child’s learning.

Tardiness: Please make sure your child arrives at school on time every day. Students who are late to school must be signed in by, or have a note from, a parent/legal guardian in order to be admitted to class.