Your Right to Know

Information available regarding classroom teacher:

Parents may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teacher. Information regarding years taught, degrees earned, highly qualified teaching status, or extra certifications/certificates may be requested from the building principal. All instructional paraprofessionals are directly supervised by a certified teacher and meet highly qualified status in the Colfax School District.  Please contact the district office or the building principal for more information about the teachers who are teaching your children.


Information regarding adequate yearly progress to meet state learning goals:

Parents may request information regarding the school or district’s progress toward meeting state or national goals. Information about the Colfax School District is on the state website through the Office of the Superintendent of Instruction at under School Report Card.  When the window opens, click the summary box, select Colfax School District and then go.  The data is available for any year of the state testing.  You can click on the same window and select the high school or elementary and see just building data.  Data for adequate yearly progress is under the AYP tab for 2013-14.  Information for 2011-13 is under Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO).  National Assessment of Educational Programs (NAEP) is found under Washington State rather than our school for 4th and 8th grade students in the state in comparison to national data.  The District Report is also available in each office.  Click on the following link to view our individual report. 2014 Colfax School Report Card:

Other information that might be relevant to you is High School Dual Credit participation which are the number of students and college credits earned and Career and Technical Education (CTE) which include only those students who have completed at least 360 hours of instruction in a particular program area such as accounting, business applications, agriculture mechanics, or plant sciences working toward gainful employment skills.

Program evaluations:     

Parents are encouraged to participate in annual evaluations of programs provided at the school. Programs such as Title I, technology, principal and teacher quality, parent involvement policy or procedures, school or district wide improvement plans are examples of areas that parents are encouraged to become involved. For more information, please ask your building principal.  We value your input.

Safe and Drug Free Schools:   

Colfax School District complies with prevention activities to create and maintain safe and drug free environments and has a clearly defined crisis management plan for responding to violent or traumatic incidents on school grounds. If you would like to know more about prevention activities or building crisis management plans, please visit with the building administrator.

Highly Capable Students:   

The district provides programs for highly capable students in the form of supplementary learning materials or programs. Annual testing using the Measurement of Academic Progress and state annual assessments will provide data to screen those students who have been nominated by teachers, staff, or parents. Parents will be notified if their child has been recommended for the program for permission to assess.  Parents and the student will then be notified to assist in developing a learning plan for the student before they are placed in a highly capable program. Once in the highly capable program, the student remains until a request to remove the student is reviewed by the highly capable program coordinator.

Non-Discrimination Statement:  

The district will provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without discrimination based on sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, genetic information, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal or any other basis prohibited by law and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth. District programs will be free from sexual harassment.  Any questions or concerns should be addressed with Jerry Pugh, Title IX Compliance Officer.

Pesticide use:   

The Colfax School District manages vegetation and pests using a minimum of pesticides. The District utilizes physical, mechanical, cultural, biological, and educational tactics as primary controls with least toxic chemical controls as a last resort. No highly acutely toxic (EPA Toxicity Category I) pesticides will be used. The District annually reviews its pest management program to evaluate how well its pest prevention and control objectives are being met and to identify areas where improvements are needed.  For more information go to Annual Notification of Pesticide Use

Asbestos Management Plan:

The district complies with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) conducting three year re-inspection reports which includes an AHERA management plan. The district facilities either do or assume to contain some non-friable asbestos in floor tiles or glue for the floor tiles; in pipe insulation above hard ceilings and tunnels; in cement asbestos board in welding shop; and ebonite counter tops in science rooms. All non-friable asbestos listed were found to be in good condition and continually maintained in accordance with state and federal laws. No friable asbestos was found in district facilities. Inspection reports are available. For more information please contact the district office or ESD 101, risk management.


Affirmative Action Plan: 

It has been, and continues to be, the policy of the Colfax School District #300 to recruit, hire, train, and promote persons in all job classifications without regard to race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably-discharged veteran or military status, gender, marital status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability or other basis prohibited by law.. The full plan is available by clicking on this link: Affirmative Action Plan



The purpose of Childfind is to locate, evaluate and identify children, aged birth through 21 who have a disability who are not currently receiving special education and related services and who may be eligible those services. All severities and conditions of disability are included. Activities are to reach children who reside within the school district boundaries, regardless of whether they are enrolled in public schools. If you have a child between the ages of birth to 21 who may have a disability and would like to understand what services may be available, please contact one of the building principals. Additional information is available by clicking on this link: Childfind Developmental Screening



Special Education Evaluations and the IEP:  

Students who qualify for special services are required to have an initial evaluation or a three year reevaluation. A summary of the evaluation will be available at the individual education plan (IEP) meeting. Evaluation reports are available to parents upon request. The IEP must address one or more areas of the deficiencies but is not required to address all deficiencies. The IEP must be updated on a yearly basis.

Procedural Safeguards for Special Education Students: 

Procedural safeguards are in place for students who receive special services to assure the parent that procedures are followed as per state or federal law. The procedural safeguards are available on our website under District policy and procedures number 2161P Special Education Procedures. Washington Administrative Code link is WAC 392-172A-05015.


Non-Voted Bonds:    


A school district may contract indebtedness for the purchase of real or personal property, or property rights, in connection with the authority that state law and district policy and procedure allow. Before issuing non-voted bonds, the district must publish notice of intent to issue such bonds and hold a public hearing. More information on this is available in state law under RCW 28A.530.080.


Due Process Rights for Student Discipline: 

Any student, parent, or guardian who is aggrieved by the imposition of a student discipline action shall have the right to an informal conference with the building principal or his or her designee for the purpose of resolving the grievance. With any discipline, students have the right to know what they are being disciplined for, the rule(s) that were violated, the proposed discipline, and the right to provide the student side of the incident. The student should expect that the incident will be investigated to the extent commensurate with the incident and that discipline will be fair and within the boundaries of the building guidelines.

In general, students have the right to appeal a building level discipline decision to the superintendent's office and then to the board of directors. Long-term suspension and expulsion appeals can also be appealed to the court system. For specific information on due process rights for each type of discipline, please refer to board policies: detention policy 3212; short-term suspension policy 3321; long-term suspension and expulsion policy 3323; emergency removal from a class policy 3330; emergency expulsion policy 3331.


Immunization Requirements  

 In order to safeguard the school community from the spread of certain communicable diseases and in recognition that prevention is a means of combating the spread of disease, the board requires a student to present evidence of his/her having received all immunizations mandated for that student's grade level according to Washington State Department of Health requirements (below) for school attendance standards. 

Exemptions from one or more vaccines shall be granted for medical reason upon certification by a physician that there is medical reason for not administering the vaccine. Exemptions for personal or religious reasons shall be granted upon request of the parent.  


Complaints about Federal Programs.     

If you have a complaint about a federal program(s) within the district such as Title I, Career and Technical Education (Perkins), Highly Qualified Teachers (Title II), free and reduced lunch or special education programs, there are three different complaint processes that you can follow.  I would hope that you would consider using them in the order established but you can start at the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction if you feel the district has not assisted you with your concerns. Complaints related to federal programs allege a violation of a federal rule, law or regulation that applies to the federal program.


1. Make a complaint to the district about a program by clicking on the following link: Complaints concerning staff or programs. This process is used for any complaint to the district about a staff member or program, not just federal programs.


2. Make a complaint to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction about the district program by following this link: Complaints against a school district or other service provider.  

3. Make a complaint against the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction by following this link: Citizen Complaint Against OSPI
Colfax School District Compliane Officer:  Jerry Pugh, Superintendent, 1207 N Morton Street, Colfax WA  99111, phone 509-397-3042, email [email protected]