Pesticide Notification

In compliance with the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency response Act (AHERA), Colfax School District Northeast Washington Education Service District 101 of Spokane, Washington to conduct a three year asbestos re-inspection of all school buildings.  An EPA-accredited Asbestos Inspector and Management Planner has performed the required inspection and reassessment of each category of asbestos containing building materials (ACBM) and noted any significant changes from the 1989, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2002, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2015 inspections.  Re-inspections will assist the school district in the process of safely managing each ACBM within our district.
The AHERA Re-inspection report and Management Plan (2015) is available to the general public and can be reviewed at any time during normal school hours.  Our maintenance director, is available during regular District Office hours to answer any questions regarding ACBM in our buildings.  They can be contacted through the District Office.
Non-friable ACBM are present in most of the District's buildings.  All known ACBM are listed in the District's management plan, and were found to be in good condition and are being continually maintained in accordance with all Washington State and Federal laws.
The Colfax School District on occasion has a need to use chemical sprays when other pest controls are ineffective, to prevent the costs and hazards associated with insects, rodents, or noxious weeds.  When chemicals are used during school sessions, the treated areas are clearly marked, and notifications are posted in each school office.
We exercise great caution in pesticide or herbicide use in our buildings or on our grounds.  Should any be required, We comply with the law requiring a 48 hour notice to parents and the public and try to do any work on Friday evenings when buildings will be empty for the weekend.  Records of pesticide use are maintained in the Maintenance Department.
Though spray applications are primarily conducted when school is not in session and the area is posted, some might want prior notification of applications at their school.  If you would like to be placed on a list to receive prior notification at you school, please contact the Maintenance Director at 509-397-5896, or via email at the address above. The list will be kept from September through August.  To remain on the list, you will need to renew your request on an annual basis.
Aaron Whannell
[email protected]