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3000 Policies Students
3110 Qualifications of Attendance and Placement
3110P Procedure - Qualifications of Attendance and Placement
3112 Social Emotional Climate
3112P Procedure Social Emotional Climate
3114 Part-Time, Home-Based or Off-Campus Students
3114P Procedure - Part-Time, Home-Based, or Off-Campus Students
3115 Students Experiencing Homelessness Enrollment Rights and Services.docx
3115P Procedure Students Experiencing Homelessness - Enrollment Rights and Services.docx
3116 Students in Foster Care.docx
3116P Procedure Students in Foster Care.docx
3117 Students in or Released from an Institutional Education Facility.docx
3120 Enrollment.docx
3120P Procedure Enrollment.docx
3122 Excused and Unexcused Absences.docx
3122P Procedure Excused and Unexcused Absences
3123 Withdrawal Prior To Graduation
3124 Removal-Release of Student During School Hours
3124P Procedure - Removal-Release of Student During School Hours
3126 Child Custody
3140 Release of Resident Students
3141 Nonresident Students.docx
3142 International Student Exchange
3142P Procedure International Student Exchange
3143 Notification and Dissemination of Information about Student Offenses and Notification of Threates of Violence or Harm.docx
3143P Procedure Notification and Dissemination of Information about Student Offenses and Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm.docx
3205 Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited.docx
3205P Procedure Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited.docx
3207 Prohibition of Harrassment Intimidation and Bullying.docx
3207P Procedure Prohibition of Harrassment Intimidation and Bullying
3210 Nondiscrimination
3210P Procedure - Nondiscrimination
3211 Gender-Inclusive Schools
3211P Procedure Gender Inclusive Schools.docx
3220 Freedom of Expression
3220P Procedure - Freedom of Expression.docx
3223 Freedom of Assembly
3224 Student Dress
3224P Procedure Student Dress
3225 School-Based Threat Assessment.docx
3225P Procedure - School-Based Threat Assessment.docx
3226 Interviews and Interrogations of Students on School Premises .docx
3226P Procedure Interviews and Interrogations of Students on School Premises .docx
3230 Searches of Students and Student Privacy.docx
3230P Searches of Students and Student Privacy.docx
3231 Student Records.docx
3231P Procedure - Student Records.docx
3232 Parent and Student Rights in Administration of Surveys Analysis or Evaluations
3232P Procedure Parent and Student Rights in Administration of Surveys Analysis or Evaluation
3235 Protection of Student Personal Information
3235P Procedure Protection of Student Personal Information
3241 Student Discipline.docx
3241P Procedure Student Discipline.docx
3242 Closed campus
3243 Student Driving
3243P Procedure Student Driving
3244 Prohibition of Corporal Punishment
3245 Students and Telecommunication Devices.docx
3245P Procedure Students and Telecommunication Devices
3246 Restraint, Isolation and Other Uses of Reasonable Force
3246P Procedure Restraint, Isolation and Other Uses of Reasonable Force.docx
3410 Student Health
3411 - Accommodating Students with Seizure Disorders or Epilepsy
3412 Automated External Defibrillators
3412P Audomated External Defibrillators Procedure
3413 Student Immunizations and Life Threatening Health Conditions.docx
3413P Procedure Student Immunizations and Life Threatening Health Conditions.docx
3414 Infectious Diseases
3414P Procedure - Infectious Diseases
3415 Accommodating Students with Diabetes
3415P Procedure - Accommodating Students with Diabetes
3416 Medications at School
3416P Procedure Medication at School.docx
3417 Catheterization
3417P Procedure Catheterization
3418 Response to Student Injury or Illness
3418P Procedure Response to Student Injury or Illness
3419 Self-Administration of Asthma and Anaphylaxis Medication
3419P Self-Administration of Asthma and Anaphylaxis Medications
3420 Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response
3420P Procedure Anaphylaxis Prevention
3421 Child Abuse and Neglect.docx
3421P Procedure - Child Abuse and Neglect.docx
3422 Student Sports - Concussion, Head Injury and Sudden Cardiac Arrest
3422P Procedure Student Sports - Concussion, Head Injury and Sudden Cardiac Arrest
3424 Opioid Related Overdose Reversal.docx
3424P Procedure Opioid Related Overdose Reversal
3432 Emergencies
3432P Procedure - Emergencies.docx
3510 Associated Student Bodies
3510P Procedure Associated Student Bodies
3520 Student Fees, Fines or Charges.docx
3520P Procedure Student Fees, Fines or Charges.docx
3530 Fundraising Activities Involving Students
3530P Procedure Fundraising Activities Involving Students.docx
Board Minutes Archives
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1000 Policies Board of Directors
2000 Policies Instruction
3000 Policies Students
4000 Policies Community Relations
5000 Policies Personnel
6000 Policies Administration
7000 Policies Financial
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