Facility Planning Committee

Facilities Planning Committee – On January 30, 2017, the Colfax School District held its first community facility meeting. The purpose of this committee was to evaluate the condition of Jennings Elementary School and the Junior/Senior High School. The goal of this group was to create a plan and recommendation to the school board that would address the deficiencies in our facilities.


Process – The Community Facility Committee met one or two times a month and studied the physical condition of all of the buildings and complexes in the district. Each school principal participated in this committee and shared building specific needs. Our maintenance supervisor also attended the meetings and outlined all of the facility issues he was dealing with on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.


The number one criteria for this committee was to come up with facility solutions that would resolve our most urgent needs and to identify other areas of concern that need to be corrected. All recommendations to the Colfax School Board had to meet the quality requirement of lasting for the next 20 years. Any solution proposed that resolved issues only for the next 5 to 10 years were promptly rejected.

The Community Facility Committee recommended a major renovation of the high school building and renovation of specific areas of Jennings Elementary School.


Our sincerest thank you to the following Colfax community members for their time and hard work serving on this committee: 


Wes Claassen – Committee Chair, Mark Clinton, Chad Maki, Mark Brown, Travis Howell, Mark Mackleit, Mike Morgan, Carrie Lipe, Tom Stirling, Bob Lothspeich, John Huber, Terry Huber, Cary Cammack, Todd Vanek, Nathan Holbrook, Christopher Clausen, Kathryn Vogler, Jennifer Cooper, Shala Vorderbrueggen, Reece Jenkin, Dave Nails and Janel Goebel.